A Mother’s Answered Prayer: Life-saving Surgery for Her Son

Christian suffered from encephalocele, a life-threatening condition in which brain matter and spinal fluid protruded through an opening in his skull. His mother, Sarah, searched for help until she found CURE Uganda, where our highly skilled doctors performed life-saving surgery.

When Sarah spotted an area of swelling on the back of her son Christian’s head shortly after birth, she was instantly concerned. People told her not to worry because it could be fixed when he got older.

“His swelling was small when he was born, but it kept growing,” she remembers.

Sarah refused just to sit and wait to see what happened.

Searching for Answers

Although Christian continued to grow and seemed like a happy and strong baby, Sarah could not stop worrying about the increased swelling—so she began researching. She learned Christian had encephalocele, a life-threatening condition where his spinal cord failed to close correctly during formation in the womb, causing a large sac of brain tissue and spinal fluid to protrude from his head.

The family lives in South Sudan, where there are few treatment options for children with life-threatening neurological conditions. No hospitals were equipped to perform the kind of specialized surgery Christian needed, leaving Sarah scared about his future.

Sarah says Christian loves the camera and laughs at anyone who calls his name. “He is such a warrior; he is so strong.”

Sarah couldn’t help but ask why Christian was born this way. “I did everything the doctor asked me to do during my pregnancy. I took my meds and ate well, but still, my child came out with this condition.”

While the exact cause of encephalocele is unknown, it is most likely due to a combination of genetics and environmental exposures before or during pregnancy.

Sarah says Christian loves the camera and laughs at anyone who calls his name. “He is such a warrior; he is so strong.”

In her quest to learn more about the condition, Sarah searched YouTube. She found a story about a woman whose child was treated for hydrocephalus and spina bifida, other serious neurological conditions, at CURE Uganda—all at no cost to their family, thanks to the generous support of donors.

For the first time since Christian was born, Sarah had hope that her infant son would be healed.


Life-saving Care at CURE Uganda

Sarah shared what she had learned with her husband, and they agreed that surgical care at CURE Uganda was Christian’s best option. They knew they needed to find him help quickly, so Sarah and Christian made the lengthy drive to Mbale, where CURE Uganda is located. “We had a long drive from South Sudan, with transport money and faith that my son will be worked on.”

Sarah prays by Christian’s bedside before he goes into surgery at CURE Uganda.

At the hospital, Sarah learned that CURE’s highly skilled surgeons could treat Christian. She was overjoyed, but her heart broke to see children in the ward in worse condition than Christian. But she immediately recognized that CURE’s compassionate staff took excellent care of the children. “I love this place. Everyone is very professional, and I trust their work,” Sarah shared upon her arrival.

At CURE, we not only treat the physical body but also ensure our patients and caretakers are spiritually nourished. Before Christian’s surgery, a pastor from the hospital’s spiritual team prayed with Sarah, bringing her much-needed comfort and support.

“Had it not been for the spiritual aspect of CURE, I honestly do not know how my life would be,” Sarah shares.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Emma Wegoye, CURE Uganda’s Medical Director, performed the delicate neurosurgery to correct Christian’s encephalocele. Then Christian spent some time in the intensive care unit under the medical team’s close supervision.

Sarah, thrilled to see the swelling gone from the back of his head, was thankful for God’s healing. And a few days later, when Christian developed hydrocephalus (a buildup of excess fluid on his brain—a common complication after encephalocele surgery), Sarah again turned to her faith.

“I am not worried at all,” she said as he headed into surgery for a second time. “In fact, I know God is in control.”

The surgery to treat Christian’s hydrocephalus was a success, and he can now look forward to a future free from this life-threatening condition.

“It’s been a tough journey, but I am grateful that we aren’t alone,” Sarah says of her experience at CURE Uganda. “All I can say is thank you so much and God bless you.”


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