August 2023 Photos
Photos by Ella Marielle Cabanilla Abadesco
CUREkid Claire’s post surgery casting was removed and she transitioned to wearing a brace
CUREkid John Carlo is in the recovery room with his father after the success of his clubfoot surgery
Tebow CURE Children’s Hospital Executive Director Peter Cowles celebrated his birthday and treated patients and staff to free ice cream
Yza is back for a follow-up and she is all set to move forward to the next step of her clubfoot treatment which is surgery
Photos by Kafwa Sichilima
Lillian our child mentor is impressed with Miracle’s painting.
Honest smiles for the camera as he enjoys the ride on the wheelchair.
Lillian from the spiritual team takes time to play with the kids as the await to go to O.R.
Dr. Lastroni takes the time to hang out with Catherine after discharging her.
Photos by Nahom Gezahegn
Child Mentor Nomazwe helps Lilly draw a picture of herself
Ishan smiling in the ward
Our Comms Officer shares the Jesus Story with Theophilus
Theophilus plays the Doctor with Elliot