November 2023 Photos
CURE Malawi
Starting November with healing!
Therapy session!
Ashraf comes back to us!
Mercy_s recovery is progressing smoothly, and I kindly request that you keep her in your prayers.
CURE Kenya
Photos by Elvis Lemaiyan
Aisha was given a care package by Pst. Emmy from the Kids Ministry.
CURE Kenya Cyclists riding for a cause
Hassan went to the playroom to spend some quality time with big Teddy.
We challenged Blessing to blow a balloon with her mouth and you can see how hard she tried
CURE Zambia
Photos by Caren Ngosa
Abel smiles after living with cleft lip for four years but he has finally found CURE Zambia
All hands on deck as Dr. Haben conducts an endoscopic surgery. This surgery allows him to have access to the throat without making any cuts
CURE Chief spiritual ministry officer Earnest Kioko conducting ministry multiplier training during spiritual training week at CURE Zambia
CURE Kid Beauty is thrilled to start physical therapy exercises as she continues to heal from bone surgery
Mavis and Caleb pose for a photo as they play outside