Posts tagged CURE Dominican Republic

My CURE trip: Devotions in the Dominican Republic

by on Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 10:05 pm

This post was written by Taylor Thomas, who is a member of the CURE U chapter at Liberty University in Virginia. She served on a CURE U trip to Dominican Republic….

I met Jesus in Santo Domingo

by on Monday, January 26, 2015 at 12:00 pm

When I was offered the opportunity to lead a CURE U team on a trip to the Dominican Republic over Thanksgiving break, I never dreamed I’d have the chance to meet Jesus while kneeling at a hospital bedside with plaster still drying on my fingers.

A year of unforgettable stories

by on Friday, January 2, 2015 at 1:26 pm

There are only a dozen stories below, but there could have been hundreds. It’s been a truly incredible year for CURE, full of joys and challenges, and we hope you see that in each of these stories. We also hope you know that without your prayers and support, none of them would have been possible.

Clayton Kershaw visits CURE Dominican Republic

by on Friday, November 21, 2014 at 4:14 pm

We were honored to have Clayton, A.J., Brandon, and Brandon in for a visit to the Dominican Republic. From attending devotions to spending time with kids preparing for and recovering from surgery – as well as witnessing a surgery – to visiting the home of a child who had been healed at CURE, the group was able to see a wide range of what CURE does on a daily basis. It was encouraging for us to hear that throughout the course of the day, they saw the gospel being expressed through the work of CURE.

When healing means freedom from hiding

by on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 9:15 am

If you met Lauri today, you might notice that he’s a little bit shorter than most 20-year-olds. After all, he’s a rapper whose stage name is “El Pitufo,” which roughly translates to “The Smurf.” Lauri was born with an inherited bone disorder that causes dwarfism, hence the nickname. But it wouldn’t take long to realize his stature bears no resemblance to his personality. If his height is dwarfed, his personality is anything but.

Turning hurting into healing

by on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 9:02 am

After losing his wife of 20 years, Bruce Smith was motivated to make an impact with the remainder of his life. He signed up for medical training. When most men his age were retiring, Bruce was becoming a licensed orthopedic technician. Bruce’s search for a meaningful way to use his new skills led him to CURE. He volunteered for a nine-week trip to CURE Dominican Republic.


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