October 2023 Photos
Photos by Ella Marielle Cabanilla Abadesco
Biomedical Manager Jason Livingston working with Biomed Technician Greg at CURE Philippines
CURE Core Value Joy in Service displayed by kitchen staff Gina. All smiles after a very busy day preparing meals for the patients and their caretakers
Guests who attened CURE Philippines_ Thanksgiving Banquet were happy to receive a copy of the annual report
Spiritual Ministry staff Mary Ann and OR Nurse Leela prayed for a patient before surgery.
Photos by Kafwa Sichilima
Best friends Daina-and-Agness–play-a—game-of-cards-as-they-keep-each-other-company-in-the-ward.
CURE Zambia child mentor Lillian poses for a photo with CUREKid Leonard after a morning bonding session
CURE Zambia ward fellowship coordinator pastor Tamara poses for a photo with CURE Kid Lumbiwe after praying for her before going in for surgery IMG_3918
Executive director Frida shares a light moment with baby Sarah in the ward.
Photos by Nahom Gezahegn
Junior shows off his new legs, he can now walk
Representatives from the Tim Tebow Foundation posing for a photo with CURE Staff in front of the newly built ward