Published by Heidi Isaac

Bringing the Story of Jesus to Kids through Partnerships

by on Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 11:01 pm

CURE International and Praise Works Inc. have partnered together to bring the story of Jesus to kids in their own language at CURE Children’s Hospitals all over the world. Through…

The need for children’s medical care in Malawi


Malawi is known as “The Warm Heart of Africa” due to its warm culture and loving people. The people are warm and loving with much courage and perseverance — the…

From cursed to blessed, three sisters are treated for brittle bone disease in Niger


“Cursed! Cursed!” is usually yelled or whispered around the corners of African rural areas about someone who is visibly sick. It is common for a child who has an obvious condition,…

US Congressional Hearing Highlights CURE Uganda’s Impact on Global Neurosurgery


On June 25th, 2021 a congressional hearing was convened by the Subcommittee of Africa, Global Health and Global Human Rights, and on the agenda was a discussion of Brain Health from a…

July 2021 Photos


CURE PHILIPPINES Photos by Ella Marielle Cabanilla Abadesco Justin receives a workbook and reads about the Lame Beggar Healed in the Name of Jesus in Acts 3. Wilson practices how…

June 2021 Photos


CURE KENYA Photos by Acadius Akungwi Kevin got some artwork on his cast to remind him that God loves him! Our BioMed team installed the new operating room equipment sent…

May 2021 Photos


CURE NIGER Photos by Alina Farcas CURE Niger kids send their warm greetings to you! The German army offered toys to CURE Niger kids this week. Dr. Uli prepares for…

April 2021 Photos

by on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 8:03 pm

THE WEEK IN PHOTOS CURE KENYA Photos Elvis Lemaiyan and Acadius Akungwi Michael’s journey of transformation is beginning! This little boy is not too sure about this teddy bear. Beverlyne…

Conditions we treat: Knock knees

by on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 3:32 am

Knock knees is a condition commonly treated at CURE Children’s Hospitals. This condition causes a child’s legs to angle inwards to the point where their knees literally knock against each…

Breaking Ground for Expansion at CURE Uganda

by on Monday, March 15, 2021 at 8:07 pm

On a beautiful morning on the 15th of February 2021, chairs were neatly arranged in a large wide semi-circle next to the existing Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at CURE Children’s…


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