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This just might be the adventure of your life

by on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 12:03 pm

CURE international is looking for some people, but not just any people. We’re looking for people who can help us heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God. CURE…


by on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 5:54 pm

We recently had a patient at CURE named Girma. I asked various friends what the name means. One answered, “I see Big.” And he waved his hands in the sky and his eyes got big and round with wonder. Another said, “It is like respect.” Finally, I asked a friend who had more familiarity with religious words in English. She said, “It means glory!” I enjoyed hearing the other different explanations for a difficult concept – glory. God’s glory is who He is. When we see some of His glory it is a brief reflection of the tiniest part of who He is.

I won’t forget

by on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 8:00 am

It took less than 60 seconds of exchanging smiles with Agnes for her to start talking with me. She only spoke a little bit of English but used every word at her disposal to talk about Maureen, of whom she couldn’t be more proud. Soon, Agnes was holding my hand in the back of the ambulance, smiling and laughing and telling stories.

Then, she turned serious. “We are suffering,” she said. I looked back at her a bit confused because we were just talking about how happy she was now that Maureen was healed. I asked her to explain. She told me that they were hungry, that they needed food, and that they suffer.

I met Jesus in Santo Domingo

by on Monday, January 26, 2015 at 12:00 pm

When I was offered the opportunity to lead a CURE U team on a trip to the Dominican Republic over Thanksgiving break, I never dreamed I’d have the chance to meet Jesus while kneeling at a hospital bedside with plaster still drying on my fingers.

We are skin and bones with souls

by on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 2:25 pm

But somehow, a thousand turns in the road later, I end up at CURE Malawi. Initially I was dead set against it. Me, in a hospital, in Africa? Ridiculous. But then followed a week of sleepless nights spent thinking about photojournalism, travel, children, and doing-something-good. I was in. I would just figure out the photographing-surgery part when I got there.

A year of unforgettable stories

by on Friday, January 2, 2015 at 1:26 pm

There are only a dozen stories below, but there could have been hundreds. It’s been a truly incredible year for CURE, full of joys and challenges, and we hope you see that in each of these stories. We also hope you know that without your prayers and support, none of them would have been possible.

821 Drawings

by on Monday, December 1, 2014 at 2:00 pm

Aramatou was so excited to see her work laid out in that way; it was visually striking. She kept saying, “I can’t believe I did all this.” It was a powerful image, not just of the fact that she made some pretty pictures, but of all she has accomplished. She has changed, grown, and blossomed, just like the flowers that she loves to draw.

Padde is a walking testimonial

by on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 3:23 pm

While escorting the two towards the main gate of CURE Uganda, I mention that I’m always grateful to meet humble patients like Padde. His father stops his steps and corrects me. “Padde is no longer a patient.” As a confused look sets across my face, he leans over and tells me, “patients still need help. Padde is cured.”

Clayton Kershaw visits CURE Dominican Republic

by on Friday, November 21, 2014 at 4:14 pm

We were honored to have Clayton, A.J., Brandon, and Brandon in for a visit to the Dominican Republic. From attending devotions to spending time with kids preparing for and recovering from surgery – as well as witnessing a surgery – to visiting the home of a child who had been healed at CURE, the group was able to see a wide range of what CURE does on a daily basis. It was encouraging for us to hear that throughout the course of the day, they saw the gospel being expressed through the work of CURE.


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